Post Penang Trip 2006

As per my prior post, I went off to Penang for almost a week, 6 days to be exact, the 4 days was spent stuck in a conference room, verifying the data for my school. But I managed to sneak out at night and spend it with friends. Met namiaz, Iskandar also of RHFC and the ever famous Hajar or her callsign 9W2JAR. After the 4 days, I stayed back as the rest of my fellow workers troop back to Kelantan. Spent two days with my friends, helping namiaz with the setting up of his new stationery shop, although I acted more like a ‘mandur’ hahahahaha 🙂 Managed to watch a movie, pirates of the carribean 2 with both namiaz and jaja, of which both me and namiaz managed to doze off in the middle of the movie, which left jaja to watch the movie all by herself. Heheheh
While attending my meeting and conferences I also managed to go and buy myself a brand new digital camera, its a Ricoh Caplio R4. Started to take a few shot on the camera, but as of yet it has not been fully utilised, I need to make time to go and take some pictures 😀 The time spent there was great, am looking forward to another meetup with friends, probably I’ll turn up in KL or Kedah in the near future 🙂 Just to catch up and maybe to get a few gadgets, heheheh 😀
As of now, I’m definitely very busy, making all the timetable for the school, very strenuous on the brain.. erghhhhh
Adiue :devil:

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