In just a few hours, 2.30AM actually, I will officially be 26 years old according to my birth certificate. For most of my life, my birthday night is the time that I would actually try to be alone and reflect on what I have achieved. The exception would be the party with my batchmates at USM, the only time I wasn’t alone.
Let’s have a look back into my past, what have I achieved in this past 26 odd years. Generally there was nothing special about me. I never went to any nursery, but instead I went to a kindergarten at SK Lemal at the age of 5. After that I sort of hang around my mom’s school when I was six. At 7 I enrolled in the same school as my sister, SRK Sultan Ibrahim Satu. The premier school of a sort at that time. Spent a few fun years there. I didn’t do well for my UPSR though, for which I was told by my father to walk back home by myself. It was the first time ever that I had to walk some 3 km from the school to my house. It was an experience and it told me that my father would not tolerate failure from me.
Then I was sent off to an arabic medium school. SM Ugama Arab Pasir Mas to be exact. The only time in my life that I remember that I can speak 3 languages. Then disuse caused a memory relapse. I did quite ok for my PMR, shared the top spot with 17 other friends from my school. Even got a few invitation to award ceremonies. Then I went off to a boarding school, there I met great people, got a few best friends. It was there also that I was sent off to Japan to attend the ISS (International Science School) at Tokyo Univ. It made me so proud that I flunked my SPM. Which to my surprise, my parents took it quite well. :p
Luckily I still managed to get into matriculation at Kolej Mara Kulim, there I almost flunked myself again, all because I let myself fall in love with a girl. But I survived the ordeal, managed to get myself to USM. Although I didn’t get the course that my mom really wanted me to take up, that is medicine. Which was lucky coz I don’t have the aptitude to be a doctor. But I did get my 2nd choice that is Applied Biology, though I did want to change my course into Computer Sc, but never did follow through that idea. For five years I struggled with my studies, extending my study for 2 years where I should have finished my course in 3 years time. But I did enjoy myself learning to juggle my studies with my active university life, what with participating in programmes organized by the univ and taking up posts in 2 society. One was the Persatuan Mahasiswa Pahang, which sounded weird to some ppl because I was from Kelantan 🙂 The other being the Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya, a stint that was short lived because I don’t see them having activities that were beneficial to ppl at all. During all that I was also taking up part time jobs, helping lecturers with their research or taking care of a cyber cafe for a friend or being a temporary teacher.
I guess all that enriched my university experience unlike most other ppl who just breezed thru univ. After 5 long years I finally graduated with an honours degree in Aquatic Biology. Then while waiting around for my convocation, the school that I used to be a temporary teacher called me in to fill in a post. That sort of cemented me in the education world. Having had some experience that caused me to be determined to become a better teacher I applied for KPLI. And that’s where I was the whole of 2005, studying to become a teacher at MPIK (Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas).
Eventhough I believe that my 26 years could have been better but I would never have changed one bit of it. Because, I believe it is all those experience that has caused me to become who I am today, and eventhough I have not come far in this world I am still proud of myself 🙂
Now let us see what the next quarter of century will hold for me 🙂
Adieu :devil:
hope it’s not too late to wish u happy birthdayyyy!!! :clap: (hahaha…dah TAMBAH tua :p)
hehe… much has passed compadre. nyways, hope ur 26th year on this miserable planet beems a more promising future for mankind… damn i’m getting all juiced with the Superman Returns Teaser, and now I’m quotting Jor-El. Nyways been a pleasure knowing u dude n may watever u’ve planned comes true. Me right behind ya’
happy bday karlbum! May Allah bless u always babe!
:rose: hiks!
happy belated bday!!