The Big Buka

Had a nice day, yesterday… went for break-fast at the local Pizza Hut with a group of archi friends… in fact all 4 of them are archi (except one Interior Design) and I’m the only guy who’s not from their school.
Wohoo spent around 2 hours at the place.. went there actually at 8.30pm but seriously everyone was really hungry. And we talked and talked… while munching on the pizzas and deli wings we managed to discuss the local political scene, quoted famous quotes from P. Ramlee movies (apparently we are movie buffs?) “kutuk” our gay lecturer. Actually I once worked with the lecturer on a small project, so they were dying to hear my story about him. Bwahahah typical!!! I told them that I once stayed at the same hotel as him and they all went “ooo bahaya tuuuu”. And for a while we were even discussing the techniques used to paint the joint.
Afterwards we managed to “pusing-pusing” looking at the new hostel blocks. They are archi students… they were going… “waaa cantiknya design”, “ooo dia org utilize natural surrounding”, “wei tgk ramp OKU tuuu”. Have to go and follow their outings again some other times 🙂 Cool people to be hanging around with 🙂

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