Yeah I think so, coz I’ve been painting all day and I feel happy? Or is it the colour? hehehe …. The CyberCafe will be moved to a new place next month, actually just next door hehe.. so we got the place painted. Guess what colour is the new paint.. hehe Blue, Fantasy Blue.. yeah.. my favourite colour.. Now gonna have to decorate the place .. huhu..
La la la feels so happy :dance: Yeah the paint fume is gettin to me 🙂
Btw I’m working up on a new interface for the website, more of new buttons … ahaha too lazy to do a complete design…. gonna try to make a dynamic flash button… 🙂 and after much badgering by a few ppl, I’m deciding to put up a tagboard… huhu we got comments we got guestbooks.. and they want a tagboard.. ahahah crazy lah!!!!.. No problem.. I’ll just get one of those weird looking shoutbox.
Eyp gtg.. wanna get started on the flash thingies