Celebrated my birthday a few days ago in a quiet manner with my family, no fancy dinner or anything, instead the day was spent going around KB hunting down a toner for my printer which suddenly it
seems that everyone ran out of stock.
Even the dinner was done in a hurry, was just a quick grab of a dinner plate from KFC on the way home to Machang.
Nicest part of the day was the presents from my wife which was two batik shirts, which she gave and claim it was because she was tired of seeing me wear the same old batik to work. 🙂 Lovely presents which should last a few years at least :p Unless I grow???
Anyway the year in retrospect have been a good one for me, I have at least achieve something in life even if it’s just an “MA”, which tonnes of ppl already have. Who knows might even be brave or crazy enough to do it once again to get a “Dr”.
Overall it is a good year and I’m happy to add another year to my age, hopefully with age I grow wiser and more patient.
Adieu 🙂