I’m Happy

I’m going out later this afternoon, my mak angkat n her daughter who happens to be a good friend is coming back to town. Probably going to have dinner with them and help them with moving into their new house. Yeah it has to be me helping them coz the fiance is in Sarawak at the moment. I do love their company… how many aunties do u know that can actually talk to you till late at night.. and I do mean late.. as in 2-3 am in the morning. Guess that’s how she came to take me as her anak angkat.. ekeke talking with her into the wee hours of the morning…
My mak angkat n my bestfriend have been stuck for about 5 months at Taman Negara, my bestfriend was posted at Merapoh. She’s been transferred back to USM to fill some void at the job place. Now I can lepak with her and her mom again hehehe…. Looking forward to the afternoon.
I was reading a friend’s blog and I just had to comment this sentence “karlbum.. well, he’s the only one i’m talking to at the moment. but sometimes i just run out of ideas. but always manage to talk crap and thrill and even drool over trivial matter with him. he’s like an older bro to me. i hate him at times..just love him at some others.hahaa” Yeah I know I can be a jerk sometime… and I do try to make it up to other ppl by being nicer… hehe 😀
I better stop now.. still need to finish Harry Potter before the weekend ends…
[Listening to: Sunshine – Gabrielle – (4:10)]