These few days have been quite boring, have just finished watching The Rundown. I can simply say it is not overrated. The action scenes were simply marvelous. Have to get myself to a theatre to really appreciate it. a 17″ monitor doesn’t do it justice 🙂 I will not give u the details of the movie, all I can say is.. the ending is not what u would expect 🙂
Oh I also have seen the new trailer for The Matrix Revolutions.. it’s cool! And I’ve also seen the 10 minute preview of LOTR : Return of The King… damn the preview made my mouth water… I can’t wait to see the movie. And if you think helm’s deep battle was cool… wait for this one.. it will be more fun.. as attested by those who have read the book (that includes me 🙂 )
Anyway we have a new restaurant around here, not really that new… but it’s new 🙂 Its called Dulang Cafe. Owned by Hairie Othman and his wife… yes the actor… and yes he is newly wed… 27 Sept I believe (a friend of mine went to the wedding). Cute wife too, and speaks in a heavy Penang accent 🙂 Heheheh… anyway the special there is supposed to be its Nasi Lemak thou they also have western and everything else that comes in mind.
The thing is … the first time I went there was because my friend wanted to try the Nasi Lemak. So we had ourselves some Nasi Lemak. I put all sorts of topping and it cost me RM2.40 and my friend’s was RM3.80. That’s the good part.. it looked cheap right.. tell u what happened. My friend ordered Ice Tea. It cost him RM1.80 .. muahahahah and to this day he still says to me. “Hang tak mau pi minum air singgit lapan ka” The voice of an irritated man.. hahah “Sapa suh gatal nak makan kat restoran class-class”. The food is good the service is ok 🙂 U might spot a few celebs too on the way, but the price? Be prepared.. ekekke
And me… what am I supposed to be doing? I’m supposed to study for a paper on Wednesday. But heck… I’m instead playing games, Utopia and Freecell (yes the dumb window game) and lavishly enjoying watching movies… old and new…
Owh what the heck… I’ll pick up the book tomorrow.. maybe :p But I’m going out on a shopping spree tomorrow :p La la la.. crazy guy who likes to go shopping for computer parts … 8-}
Oh btw another poem (The Unfaithful Lover) of mine is going to be published in an anthology.. :p
:rose: Adieu