Another Family Day

This past week has been a bit busy, if not hectic. Middle of the week I had to attend this Extra-Curricular Nite, in appreciation of the athletes of the school, the top athlete award went to a student who represented Kelantan at MSSM for the 10km walk event. And the other went to a girl who played badminton for the state. Other awards was not really interesting. Oh yeah.. the Debate Team got the award for best club/society representing the school. Didn’t coach that Debate Team though :p
And on thursday I went of to the family day of my mom’s school. It was done at a rather secluded beach. Melawi beach.. The beach for the past few years have been on the top list of Kelantanese, the beach is very clean, a very long stretch of sandy beaches. And as a plus it’s shallow for a good 50m seaward, so it’s good for the kids. Stayed there for one night at a chalet. Very cheap, from as low as RM35 to an airconditioned one at RM55 per night. Even the cheapest got a toilet for each chalet so, that’s quite ok. On thursday night there wasn’t any real activities apart from the barbeque. Tons and tons of chicken and fish was barbequed that night. My dad had a feast just for himself. I mainly ate some chickens… wasn’t really in the mood.
The next day they had some games going on, football, beach bowling, little stuff like that. I joined in when they decided to go fishing the old style. (not really old still practiced by some fisherman) Drag a very long net into the sea and just cordon off an area then start going landward. It was fun, and a good swimming exercise for me. I once did it in one of my field trips to the beach as a student (Aquatic ppl like the beaches and seas 😀 ) After the Friday prayer, packed up and got back home. Nothing more to do anyway.
And today I went shopping with my parents at KB. Went looking for a new pair of shoes, got a good pair too… Camel Active, it was on discount.. 10% less. Also my dad bought some shirts and I bought myself another BUM belt… hehe :p 3 belts right now (I’m thinking that I’m having some sort of fetish for belts). The previous one was a BUM belt from the same place and another one was from a factory sale outlet.
And tonight I’m thinking of sleeping early or something… got this terrible headache going on.
Adieu :devil: