Today is our nation’s 51st national day, yes I prefer the word national day as opposed to “independence”. Why?
First of all I truly believe we have not even one bit loosen the shackles that was left by our colonizer.
Our minds and our lifestyle is still tied to the old ways as dictated by them.
Second one is, because Malaysia was only born years later on September 16, 1963 as such the 51st Merdeka is only of the States of Malaya.
This year the theme is “Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan” as the saying goes, “bersatu kita maju, bercerai kita roboh” or “united we stand, divided we fall”. A most suitable theme when there is much tension and emotions running wild in the country.
Peace my friends,
Adieu :rose:
Category: Thoughts
The University Feedback
An issue has been highlighted recently by our media, this concerned our PM wanting feedbacks from Malaysian that have studied oversea and what they saw there that could be applied to our university and improve it further. This is somehow related to the concern that our universities are not favourably ranked by the world. Our ranks usually starts in the hundreds and usually UM our oldest univ getting the better rank.
The highlight was that the ranking systems focuses on the product (students/graduates) and the manufacturers (lecturers). How good/ready are the students when they leave the univ and how qualified are the lecturer plus how many researchs/advancements they have done.
Why Are You Here?
Warning : If you are caught using my writing as a basis for your Pernyataan Hasrat, don’t blame me if you don’t get into the course. Get a valid reason or else drop the idea of being a teacher at all!
Why are you here? why did you join up? why do you want to be a teacher?
Those are among the questions that will be asked during the interview and later on by your lecturers. Trust me when I say that the interviewers are much more forgiving when it comes to you giving stupid answers as they are just going to fail you with a smile (yes the interviewers usually smile all the way through the interview which is unnerving.)
The lecturers on the other hand are not as forgiving, cut the crap of serving your nation (berkhidmat utk bangsa agama dan negara). Most of them will smile and afterward bang u real hard for trying to lie to them. Don’t tell them u really believe in serving, they know you are actually lying and it is actually because of the perks a teacher will get. Just tell them the truth and u might get out of it unscathed.
Decisions, Where Do I Want To Go?
Most people after knowing that I’m about to become a teacher would ask some of these questions, “Why did I want to become a teacher?” sometimes more specific “Why did I choose to become an english teacher instead of a biology teacher?” or the inevitable, “Where are you going to ask for your posting?”
The question that I’d like to highlight is ‘where’. My answer would definitely be “somewhere close to home”. Then they would all lament about my obvious lack of wisdom to choose somewhere close to home. I digress, home is always better, and for me the best place to be.
They would say that it is better to go to Sarawak or Sabah, and earn more ringgit, as the pay is higher because of the oversea allowances. I would really want to say, “what is there in more money” and risk sounding like a hermit. But to be true to myself, I’d answer yes more money from allowances, but how much is the plane ticket? Would you just go back home once a year? or more? Not so much savings now eh?
Then most probably they would say that I should go to other places and experience life there. The thing is I love to travel and I hate to say it, but I’ve been almost to all of the states in Malaysia excluding Sarawak and Johor and also to Japan and Saudi Arabia. But then again I love to travel, thus I’ve always gotten myself on all-expense-paid trips. How? Plain lucky I guess 🙂 But I’ve never had the desire to stay long.
The truth is, most of the time when people laud all the benefits of working/staying far from home, I would just keep quiet. No point in telling them what I think, when all they would care is their own opinion. Even more so when the fact is they themselves have never had to stay/work far away from home. I have a friend who works far away from home and is always happy to just get a break to go home. (isn’t that so amran? :p)
But lets not stop at that, let me tell you of a little comparison. When I was staying in Penang, I usually wake up to the sound of crows going “akk akkk”. It was also the same when I was in Klang, crows everywhere. Now in Cheras, it would have to be the early LRTs that sometimes wake me up. But at home, I wake up every morning to the cheerful sound of the birds, not crows certainly. I feel refreshed not stressed.
Then there’s the case of money, here in Kelantan the cost of living is low. Dirt cheap low in fact, more so if I stay with my parents. Then again a small terrace house cost only RM300 per month or so. In penang that small terrace house near the town would fetch as high as RM600, or perhaps higher in KL. How can I not be persuaded to live around here?
To be fair, if I get posted somewhere else. I wouldn’t really mind, it is always a good experience trying to get accustomed to a new surrounding. And I think, I am fairly good at adapting myself considering the fact that I lived in Penang for 5 years without any problems.
At the end, its not about where I want to go, but where I am forced to go. 😀 :devil:
The Trek To Gunung Nuang
For the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to write something about my time over here in Cheras. Wanting to tell every bit of detail that happened in my life. But somehow, I couldn’t find the right word. Nor the right sentence to start the story. For now, I’ve still not found the right sentence to start the story. But the story telling will continue for now.
For the first two weekends that I’ve been here, I’ve been going out trekking with fellow friends from my university and school days. The experience has been refreshing as it has been quite a while since I’ve gone out trekking. The last trek that I did was with my cousins, finding waterfalls near Besut around six months ago.
Sniping vs Daylight Murder
Sniping has nowaday become a popular form of picture taking. Sniping is when you take other people’s picture discreetly. FYI, sniping is usually done on those handphone with cameras. So be warned that there are thousand of snipers out there, armed with Camphone (megapixel or VGA) trying to take pictures of anything. As per norm the preferences for subject matter is girls.
There’s also another technique which I’d like to call Daylight Murder as it involved you taking pictures openly. This for me is the best way, and perhaps much much more polite to the people around you. And you have no qualms about being caught. As you are already doing it in the open. Thus far I have had no legal problems with this technique. And it has worked wonders for me.
Kejamkah Aku Bila Aku Berbuat Baik?
Berlaku kejam tapi baik, berlaku baik tapi sebenarnya kejam…. mana lebih elok? Buat baik kat org tu sebab kesian kan dia tapi sebenarnya kejam.. sbb tipu org tu… cemana yer?
Baik kah seseorang itu kalau dia mencintai seseorang kerana terpaksa…. tapi apakah dia juga kejam kerana dengan selamba mengecewakan seseorang… susah nak buat pilihan dlm hidup ini. Ada org kata.. cintailah org yg menyintai kita dan bukannya org yg kita cintai.. tp benda tu payah utk dilakukan… bukan apa.. hati org ni bukan leh main ikut suka jer nak suruh suka kat sapa.. nak sayang kat sapa.
Jadi apakah seseorang kejam apabila dia bercakap terus terang… menunjukkan kepada org itu segala bentuk kekejaman atas dunia ini? Apabila dia mematahkan hati org? Menyedarkan tentang hakikat sebenar? Atau apakah dia lebih kejam apabila dia menyembunyikan semua itu… hanya menceritakan kebaikan.. melindungi ia dari segala keburukan….
Aku rasa lebih kejam kalau sembunyikan hal sebenar… sbb kita tak boleh sembunyikan benda tu secara berterusan.. menipu secara berterusan… pasti akhirnya akan terbongkar juga rahsia… kalau terbongkar… bukan kah lagi kejam jika dia tahu hal yg sebenar? Entahlah… terserahlah pada pendapat masing masing… mana yg lebih elok.. mana yg lebih tepat…. mungkin utk satu satu keadaan lebih elok berlaku kejam.. utk keadaan lain sebaliknya?
Kuasa ditanganmu..
[Listening to: Thalia Ft. Fat Joe – I Want You (3:30)]
Equality : The Feminist’s Manifesto
This one is going to invoke a lot of wrath upon me. But who cares. My point today is very simple. Don’t ask for something you can’t handle.
Here’s the background. I’ve known a lot of women, mature and immature alike. And a lot have sort of mentioned equality among men and women. The same opportunity and stuff. That woman should not be discriminated because of their gender. And to tell you the truth. I do respect that. Because I do believe that we should look at a person’s capability before their gender or race or whatever. But what really peeves me off these days is the fact that these people came back to me complaining…. and their complaint starts with… “I’m a girl”.
Most of these happened after I bashed them for not doing their job. Whether its at my old workplace (temp job) or my clubs… The same thing happened. Not satisfied that I gave em a mouthful. For me when these people says that they wanted equal chance. They have already stripped off their gender, meaning they can’t use it as an excuse. If they want to use their gender as an excuse, pleaseeeee don’t say that you can do anything that a man can do. It’s hard enough making decisions to empower them or not, but it’s harder when they start using gender as an excuse.. “I’m a girl, I’m sensitive you know”. Bullshit, its either you do your job or not. Gender doesn’t have anything to do with it unless I’m telling you to do manual labor or something…
Equality is equality… the same opportunity, the same job, the same mouthful and also the same right to be bashed by your boss or work mates.. I don’t usually bash people based on their gender.. but when they say “I’m a girl” Hell yeah I’ll bash them for being a girl.
If we don’t give people anything to discriminate us upon, there sure isn’t any point for them to discriminate.
p/s: And yes people do call me egoistic and a chauvinist, who cares :p
How Can You Forget Someone?
The topic has come up a few times lately in my conversation with friends and also with my cousin. We were talking about how can we best forget someone… how can we let someone go… and my solution at that moment seemed so simple.
I told them that when you break up with anyone… you tend to only remember the good part, the good times… all the fun things you did together.. the nice memories… and remembering this will make you depressed as you will question your judgment then.. you will ask “why did u break up with him”, “where did it all went wrong” and more whys..
When that happens never just remember the good part of your relationship.. try to remember the bad part… the part where everything went wrong.. all the hurt that u got courtesy of the relationship…. the part where bad thing happens as if on a collision course…
That’s how you forget ppl, that’s how you recover from them. Seed a little hatred and let it remind you of all that.. never too much hatred mind you for it will make you an ugly person. Whenever I miss them, and sort of want em back, I always remember the hurt they gave me.. it may make me a cold hearted person (I am) but at least I feel stronger.. empowered to control my own life. 🙂
:rose: Adieu
[Listening to: Sheila On 7 – Sebuah Kisah Klasik (4:02)]
p/s: comment closed due to severe abuse by ppl thinking this is a place to talk about their ex. get help ppl!!!
What Do You Seek In Life
What do you seek in life? Do you seek wealth? Do you seek love? Do you even have a goal in life? Or are you merely one of millions of lost souls which don’t really know what the heck they are doing on this planet.
Have you had that feeling where you think, that you are living merely because you are, never knowing your purpose.. owh I think many of you have heard the bullshit that everyone is meant to be someone. But what if I say that the someone you are meant to be is just that… nothing…. a no one.. just a soul in a shell… what say you?
Life greatest hurdle, finding your path, finding your niche in life…. Have you found your path? Are you merely following a path that others chose for you.. or did you chose that path…. Robert Frost most quoted stanza will always be “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference”. Do you think he is right? Or is he just another sooth-sayer… catching our imagination by giving us loopholes… what say you?
Owh and don’t go and get yourself a self help book… coz if the author is so right, he won’t be telling you the secret. Heck who would want to sell a secret for a mere RM39.90? Set the price at RM1 mil and I’ll believe you…
My stand would always be that you need to take life a day at a time. Or you may quote a hadith “Live like you will live forever and pray like you will die tomorrow” Whatever it is… today is today and tomorrow come what may you will not find the path yet ……
What say you?