GPS Craze, Again!

Had a whole episode of gps craze when I was in Jerek, mainly due to my obsession of thinking of places to travel to. Contributed some tracklogs to malsingmaps and then masmaps, then it went down a notch especially after I got married and the split of malsingmaps to malfreemaps.
Now its back up again, but in another form. Now at my current school, I’m the go-to guy if u want to ask anything about GPS. My colleague at school bought a new gps unit by the name of Lark, it came with iGO installed but the seller told him that it could also use garmin. So I was left with the task of finding out how to install it, after 3 days of tinkering with it, I have managed to make Garmin run on it, but the way to turn it on is still not ideal as there is too many steps to turn it on. What would be cool if turning it on only involves one button!
So that’s my latest craze, and it only have fueled me to again get my dream gadget, a CarPC….
So till next time, adieu :devil:
p/s: infos about how to install garmin on a wince devices are available at and, I will not entertain questions about it as I’m no expert.

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