I have finished moving, and there were several hiccups along the way. For instance, I had to wait for 3 days to get my telephone line reinstalled, that explains why I haven’t been updating my blog.
There were also problems with the lorry that was supposed to pick up some of the bigger stuffs. Supposedly they promised to come pick it up saturday afternoon. but in the end I had to switch to another lorry and they couldn’t make it in such a short notice, but only the next evening. The astro installer was amazingly easy to get hold of, in fact I called him and he came by 1 hour later after he was finished at another house.
So far the home is pretty cozy, no problem in sight. A locksmith will be coming this friday to change a lock. Also a builder will be coming next week to fix a shed at the back of the house. Now all I need to do is just a little bit of plumbing. Need to fix the pipes so that it will be easier to use it for the washing machine.
All in all, it was a good week though I still have a few more item left at the old house. Plus good a pretty achy muscle from the heavy lifting.
Adieu :rose:
wahhh dah beli rumah sendiri dah ke fadhlur? bestnyeee…
tak la rumah sewa jugak…. 🙂 takda pitis lagi nak beli rumah sendiri :p