Confusion to what the title says? :confused: It’s in kelantanese which to translate would mean football fever. No I’ve not really been infected with it. But to say the least, I’ve just watched the opening match between Germany and Costa Rica with my dad. I was a bit late though, only started watching after the 20th minute, and my dad was watching alone. Yes, my dad likes (or is it love?) football, there is one adidas ball that he won’t let me play with in his closet. :rolleyes: Although I did manage to see the last two goals, one by Paulo Wanchope and a terrific curve ball by Frings. Also saw that there is still some bad blood between Kahn and Lehmann, especially that cynical smile of his… :p
He also have some weird memories about the world cup, one involving one of our sofa being broken because his friends got too excited while watching a game. :think: As my dad is good with his hand, we still have the sofa around today, but yeah it creaks terribly everytime someone sits down.
I expect to see him glued to the TV, every night although I don’t think he’ll be watching the 3 am matches, unless they are between good teams. I still have memories of him waking up at 4 am to watch a match (France 1998). But I guess that didn’t really rub off on me though. But I still like to watch matches with him, just to keep him company. 🙂
I think that’s it. I’m gonna skip the Poland match and sleep, have to head back early to school tomorrow. The school volleyball team is in dire need of training. 😀
Adieu :devil:
nate nih, siap buat laman web lagi…mu duk ngajar mano loni? aku jupo dengan mazran, dio kato mu ngajar di dkt2 merapoh…aku ngajar dekat sungai koyan nih…dale hute…ngajar ore asli…no tel mu berapo? aku nok balajar etek wat laman web supo mu buleh ko? 8-} :sleep: :p :think: :kiss: :)) :love: [-O< :pig: