Pre KPLI Convo

I’ve missed a lot of blogging, mostly because my hosting upgraded some items and then totally forgot to upgrade the perl package as well. Yes it seems I’m the only hostee here using perl to blog. WHAT!!! Forget bout that.. let us continue to the stories….
Things I did and happened while I was away…. 1. I went to Sri Tujuh Beach at Tumpat for my school’s Leadership Camp. Was the facilitator there. The camp is actually for the school leaders, i.e the prefects and what nots.. we had fun there (more like I did and they suffered). The students was constantly under pressure to be on time and everytime, especially because the first thing we did was to strip them off their watches and lend them 1 watch each night so they wont be late for subuh prayers. The activity was really packed and gruelling from activitiy to activity there’s not even enough time to think. A few friends and I handled the morning session, my part was to do some stretching with them.. that’s it. Then I’ll pass the baton to a friend who will do physical exercises with them. Those physical exercises are really tiring.. heheh…. the apex of it all is the last night, it started with a sombre enough activity which will force them to rethink on what and who they are and followed by a blind folded solo drop at the beach that will last till 1 AM, and then still blind folded they will have another activity at the hall that will continue until 4.30 AM in the morning. I failed at that one, was so damn tired, I bailed out at 3 AM. :p We packed and left for home the next day.
2. Got my first pay + the backdated one that I was due. Was so glad of it all, splurged a hundred over on the car for a new floor mat and get it all cleaned up.. hehe will spent a few more ringgit to fix the alignment, yes the terrain I drive thru is a bit torturous for my car.
3. Will be packing off to my KPLI convocation at the college next week. Have already applied for a leave. The principal said something about signing it the other day. Wonder if it’s approved or not, I guess she’ll approve it anyway. Have already gotten myself the bus tickets for the day. Was thinking of going by car but decided otherwise as I don’t want to get there tired. Really looking forward to meeting all of my friends there, and on hearing all of their experiences so far. Only a few more days to go 🙂
Adieu :devil:

3 thoughts on “Pre KPLI Convo

  1. 😮 the purpose is so that they won’t look at their watches n say “ada lagi 10 min, bleh lepak lagi nih” and they will always be rushing off to the next activity, coz they won’t know if they still have time left 🙂

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