It has been a week since I first stepped my foot at my new school. Glad to say that the atmosphere is most welcoming. The teachers are super friendly, you couldn’t get a friendlier bunch. The kids, so far I can say very well behaved. I get greeted everytime I walk around the compound, which is wayyyy better than during my practicum.
First day I got there, I was straight away told that I’ll be teaching 3 classes of English, of which I don’t know which class yet. And another 2 classes of science, to which I’ve been told that it would definitely be general science for form two. They actually asked if I can teach Biology, but I sort of backed out from it. My first degree is Aquatic Biology, but I’m not that confident teaching it to them. Since the syllabus has changed quite a lot since my SPM days.
I was also assigned a teacher’s quarters, will be sharing it with an ustaz and also the other English teacher that was posted with me. He will be teaching 5 English classes, which to me is lucky because he can concentrate on teaching what he learnt at the college. Nevermind, science is pretty much is in my blood anyway, don’t think I’ll hit any major bumps.
So far everything is cool at the school, even have one of those VSAT broadband connections. Guess I’ll try to update from the computer lab if I can, but until then, I’ll just hop back home now and then and do my internetting from home 🙂
Adieu :devil:
p/s: Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha 🙂