My hosting and domain will die in around 5 more days… The domain luckily has been renewed, and transferred to a cheaper registrar. While the hosting, I’m still deciding but I think I know where I should go. But I think I know, meanwhile I’m backing up everything on the website with the hope that the transition will be as smooth as possible, but that remains to be seen, however a notice will be put up if the website has to go down for a while. DNS propagation do take a while even though I’ve set my DNS to the fastest rate possible.
As the proposed hosting has a large pool of storage that I don’t think I’ll manage to finish up (at least not for another few years) so I’ve decided to open my domain for hosting. So if anybody is interested just give me a buzz, u will have the option of using either or another domain that will be kept secret for now 🙂 But I promise the other domain will be nice ekekek 🙂
until today i dont know wat hosting mean
arghhh!!! evolutionv will be closed tomorrow!
demn it :((. bila boleh dapat host kat karlbum ni? dah x sabar ni