Sorry for the lack of updates. For the past few weeks I’ve been a bit busy and tired. I didn’t have that much time to be online as I wished.
Have been busy on other things in life. Was trying to score a few bucks 🙂 Had a business deal going on. (selling computer part .. cheap) It sure was hectic. And at night I was trying to trawl around my univ’s campuswide network. Trying to methodically map out the entire network infrastructure. It was fun but hell it was tiring as well. And managed to play around the network heheh 🙂
Have also had a busy social life lately, been going out with friends, having fun… 🙂 Too much fun perhaps …
Ok Adieu … wanna grab a bite.
hey, i need you cikgu manchan!! msg me weyy!! ader perkara penting ingin dibincangkan!
lame dah tak nampak ko..ahaks… :p …Ria online pon ko takde….ish ish..
i am SICK of how money rule our lives! if we stop working for just a month we would DIE cos no money to do ANYTHING! oh god help me. :pray:
and where is this pictures for all these fun things that you did? arkkk, need some visuals to get through the day….
err tak bawak kamera la beb… gamba ada la bebudak ni ambik.. i’ll try to get some from them 🙂