CDs And Books

Just got back from BJ that’s Bukit Jambul Complex for u 🙂 Bought myself some extra stock of blank CD-Rs, got it at a discounted price, (regular customer + muka poyo) and I even bought myself a new book, The Covenant by Jeff Gullvin.. huhu will have to see if this book is good or not. I bought the book for RM5.90… huhu I’m such a sucker for discounts… the other day I bought a Dilbert book for RM9.90 … yeah head on to ur local “Popular” and go to the old book section.. u might find a few gems… 🙂
Anyway I also went to the movies, saw LXG, heh it was definitely worth it.. worth my 16 ringgit (had to pay for my friend :p) Eventhough I had already watched the vcd and expected to be sleepy, yet the movie was entertaining enough that I was awake the whole time even with a full stomach (I went to see it after dinner .. 🙂 ) I’m definitely recommending u ppl to watch the movie.. just for the sake of seeing Sean Connery in action 🙂 Now I’m interested to go and see the 1985 version of King Solomon’s Mine (there are 3 version for ur info, the 1985 stars Sharon Stone beside Richard Chamberlain) Anyway LXG in its own fascinates me, 7 characters from various backgrounds coming together… from the legendary Allan Quartermain to Tom Sawyer.. who can resist the movie, even if the plot is not that strong.. the actions n effects definitely makes up for it.
Hermm ok then, I think I’m gonna burn some old movies now
:rose: Adieu

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