“A Friendship Built On Business Is Better Than A Business Built On Friendship” – Some American President
I found out the truth of that quote the hard way. I built my business based on friendship and it suffered. Why the revisit? Coz just this morning I was talking to Zero about it. And also this afternoon I finalized my going out of the company by signing some official document that will take my name out from the company registrar. Heh finally…
And I sort of did a bit of threatening as well. Threatened to force a review on their business plan by the incubation center. My point was that, the original partner that is left is only 2. Me and my friend got out. I was taking care of the website dept, and my friend was in the graphic dept. The one that was left was in the sales and marketing department. Considering that I was the one that tabled the business plan to the Incubation Centre till we was accepted as one of the project. I had a big say in making them review their business plan. It was time as well. Annual report stuff, 🙂 Its been a year since the company was founded by me and the 3 friends.
Its time the new partner develop a new plan as well. And I also asked that if they could just use a new company name. *secret plan to retake the company name and build a one man business hehehe :p *
As I heard from the other friend that got out after me. The company was steadily losing money/ not making any money after I got out. Pity them, but I lost my voice in the company. Didn’t make any difference if I stayed or not.
Anyway I’m really thinking of setting up my own company.. fully owned by me of course. I think I know enough to be able to table a business plan till ppl believe in it … heheh.. But I think I will delay that till I get a job. 🙂
:rose: Adieu
all the best to you geng! 😀