Convocation Shit

Is that a bad title? pahhh it’s as good as any…. and why would I say that? The main reason is I’m supposed to be graduating this year… but I didn’t graduate this year…. why is that… oh a lecturer just decided to hold my marks and instead failed me….. all for one silly test that I didn’t go to.. Oh oh.. now u know my secret why I’ve been acting weird lately… yeah.. because I’m reminded of that stupid fact… ooo how I hate university life where lecturers have the ultimate say… and u can’t do jack about it. X(
Ok that’s done… I’ve relieved my burden…. a little at least. Heh… now on to the fun part of my life…. I’m planning to go to KL this weekend… then it was planned that me and my friend are going to have a little road trip.. just a trip back to Penang actually… with a few stops at good places to take pictures hopefully… 🙂 That would calm down my nerves if that plan goes smoothly 🙂 I’ve been wanting this trip for a while now… considering the fact that I haven’t seen the guy for a year as he’s been working abroad.
Hope this will give us the means to be as close as we once was.. oh btw, he’s my bestfriend :p My sifu, the one who let me have the use of camera for all of my stupid ventures into the photography world 🙂 Hehe… that’s all
Listening to : online..

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