For the last few days, I’ve been sick mentally and physically. I was not fit to even to talk to. I had this crazy thing going where I was getting mad at almost everybody…. the best thing that a friend said about my condition was “man tgh bertapa” ahahaha… yeah sort of… I was holed up inside my room reading my book, not doing works that I’m supposed to do.. haha! Yeah I’m back and I added an extra thing… a shoutbox.. credit goes to dekap for providing the source code :p Guess a few ppl will be happy that I got that dekap thingy up, they have been bugging me for a while now ahahaha 🙂 and please off topic and flames only in the shoutbox 🙂 Btw, I’m going to go and see Tomb Raider with my boss… bet I can convince him to sponsor me ekekeke 🙂