Movie Spree Week

I have blocked nose, I sound like a character from a cartoon or something.. The fever doesn’t want to subside… perhaps have to telan a few more medicine :sick:
Gonna try to watch at least the Italian Job by evening 🙂 There is also Agent Cody Banks which I want to watch yet have’nt been able to find the time yet. Yes you can expect a lot of movie review from me 🙂 Especially movies that have not been shown in Malaysia yet. Anyway what good if I can see movies if I don’t atleast say a word about it eh ?
Ok in response to nette’s question on whether 2 Fast 2 Furious is worth a watch, I’d say yes and no. The storyline is quite ok, the race scenes are way cool, everyone race has something nice about it. But still somehow it lacks something compared to Fast n Furious. And concerning the stars I’d give the movie 2 :monkey: coz it was fun and a :rose: for the cute girls in it 🙂 . Oh btw there’s less technical mumbo jumbo this time.. they just race… no more mention of NOS or anything 🙂
[Listening to: Open Your Heart – Westlife – (3:39)]

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